Поскольку пандемия COVID-19 распространяется по всему миру, Shell ставит на первое место безопасность и здоровье наших сотрудников и клиентов, а также безопасную работу всех своих предприятий.
We continue to monitor the situation in each country on a daily basis and follow the recommendations of the relevant national health authorities. Taking into account the fact that the situation is developing very dynamically, we are in constant contact with our suppliers and key customers.
At every production facility and in every office around the world, we have business continuity plans in place to maintain our operations and supply chains. We continue to supply vital energy products to countries, communities, businesses, motorists and homeowners.
Measures are envisaged to supply many countries with liquefied natural gas, as well as the supply of chemicals for the most important industrial processes. We are also increasing the production of isopropyl alcohol, which is a key chemical ingredient in hand sanitizers.
“I am very proud of the way Shell employees around the world have actively engaged in work to ensure continuity of deliveries to customers and minimize the possibility of disruptions in our activities,” said Hiebert Vigeveno, Director of Processing and Sales at Shell. “I am especially grateful to our employees for doing this in conditions of uncertainty, when they have to abandon the usual way of personal life. We are determined to do everything possible to keep them healthy.”
Shell Group does a lot to ensure the safety of employees and customers and their health throughout the global gas station chain. The measures taken include carrying out active disinfection of facilities and increasing stocks of sanitary and hygienic goods and other essential items.
In each country, we pay special attention to the support of our employees. In many countries, following the recommendations of local authorities, we recommend employees to work from home or introduce a remote work regime without fail. For those who work at production facilities, both on land and at sea, we take additional measures to maintain health.
Shell has a number of policies in place to support employees who seek to balance their professional and personal lives during this difficult time, in accordance with all local regulatory and other requirements.
By taking measures to counteract the pandemic at the global level, we at Shell have learned a lesson from how quickly and effectively our colleagues in China acted. We were able to meet the urgent needs of our industrial customers in lubricants. Our network of gas stations across the country continues to operate successfully in a safe and uninterrupted mode, supporting the efforts of the authorities and the population in the fight against the pandemic.
In China, no cases of infection have been reported among gas station personnel, and although some service stations were closed for a short time by order of the authorities, none of them were closed at the initiative of Shell Concern. Our joint venture in Changbei has ensured a reliable supply of gas to Beijing throughout the entire time.
Our large chemical complex of the Nanhai joint venture in Guangdong Province is operating at full capacity, so that we can provide consumers with supplies of polypropylene and polyethylene, which, among other things, are necessary for the production of masks, packaging for disinfectants and other medical supplies.
We will continue to pay special attention to ensuring the safety and health of people around the world. And we will regularly inform employees and partners about our actions as the situation develops.