The collection of funds was carried out by Shell employees in Russia, the concern increased the collected amount by 10 times.

The charity Foundation “Old Age in Joy” is a professional philanthropic organization that grew out of the volunteer movement, which has been helping elderly people in difficult life situations or in need of support and care for more than 12 years, and also contributes to building a publicly accessible and guaranteed system of long-term care in the Russian Federation. Currently, the foundation cooperates with 37 regions of Russia and more than 250 boarding schools, uniting around 15,000 volunteers.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the elderly are the most vulnerable group for whom the virus can become fatal. Visits of relatives, visits of guests and volunteer teams are prohibited in nursing homes, residents cannot leave the institutions.

The amount collected by Shell will be used to train additional assistants and nurses, purchase disinfection products and install modern means of communication for the possibility of remote communication of elderly people with relatives and volunteers.
